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Located ten nautical miles from the global trade route, the Hambantota International Port is the most diversified deep-water port in Sri Lanka. The Hambantota International Port is designed to be a multi-purpose port, which will provide a variety of services including, but not limited to container, break bulk, Ro- Ro, bunkering, cruise, oil, bulk terminal, gas and project cargo. The Port is also focused on new technologies and environmental initiatives to boost digital information flow and sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. The port is envisaged to be unparalleled, as it will be the only port in the country, designed to handle the entire spectrum of services in the maritime and logistics sphere.
- Located ten nautical miles from the global trade route
- Hambantota International Port is the most diversified deep-water port in Sri Lanka.
- The Hambantota International Port is designed to be a multi-purpose por
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- Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt voluptatem quia nostrum voluptatibus id perspiciatis provident, accusantium expedita nam veniam eligendi rerum sed autem sequi qui, non aspernatur accusamus asperiores? Lorem ipsum dolor, sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus quam optio atque sapiente, tenetur labore voluptatum consectetur illum, ut recusandae, magni accusamus fuga. Quae, velit atque sapiente porro inventore repellendus! Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi, in sit esse tempora dicta amet architecto aliquid rerum eligendi ipsum praesentium explicabo alias aperiam assumenda ratione similique unde nostrum voluptatibus.
Located ten nautical miles from the global trade route, the Hambantota International Port is the most diversified deep-water port in Sri Lanka. The Hambantota International Port is designed to be a multi-purpose port, which will provide a variety of services including, but not limited to container, break bulk, Ro- Ro, bunkering, cruise, oil, bulk terminal, gas and project cargo. The Port is also focused on new technologies and environmental initiatives to boost digital information flow and sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. The port is envisaged to be unparalleled, as it will be the only port in the country, designed to handle the entire spectrum of services in the maritime and logistics sphere.
To become the world-class customer centric seaport and platform for business excellence.
We are mission-driven to become a world-class seaport with global connectivity, raising the standard of integrated logistics services, providing best-in-class solutions to meet the changing needs of our customers. We will achieve this through… total customer focus, innovative solutions, dedication and commitment of our team, use of state of the art technologies with continuously evolving management practices, and maintaining sustainable business growth accomplished with care for society and environment resulting in superior gains to all our stakeholders.
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Port Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit quas adipisci aut qui, doloremque quia, repudiandae laborum, mollitia nobis natus, inventore aspernatur eveniet? Officia architecto sapiente laudantium ea sunt, neque!
Port Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit quas adipisci aut qui, doloremque quia, repudiandae laborum, mollitia nobis natus, inventore aspernatur eveniet? Officia architecto sapiente laudantium ea sunt, neque!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel rem, ducimus ab iste magni id quam, cumque unde sequi laboriosam, doloremque ex reiciendis. Necessitatibus dolorem aliquam enim ex consequatur asperiores?
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Yala National Park is the second largest national park in Sri Lanka and is one of the most visited national parks in the country. Yala is an ideal place to spot the “big four” of Sri Lankan wildlife; the leopard, the shaggy coated sloth bear, the Asian elephant and the wild buffalo. The vast areas of flooded grass land is also home to the spotted deer, sambar, wild boar, jackal, peacocks, crocodiles, mongoose and many other. The birdlife is fantastic too. Numerous species such as rosy starlings, paradise flycatcher, crested hawk eagle, blue-tailed bee-eater and common flora inhabit this natural wilderness.
Lush green carpets of grass, towering trees and exotic flowers welcome you at the Mirijjawila Botanical Gardens leaving a first-hand experience of nature. The prime purpose of setting up this botanical garden is to conserve the thinning number of trees specific to dry lands and plants of medicinal importance. One can hire a vehicle and even take a guided tour which would be more informative as the guides have thorough knowledge about the flora collection.
For a change you are the one in a cage; a covered coach lets you observe the animals as they appear to be in their natural habitat. The park area is divided into six zones with four zones dedicated to carnivorous animals and two zones dedicated to herbivores animals. African lions, Asian elephants, zebras, giraffes, Bactrian camels, Arabian Oryx, Lechwe, Indian blue bulls, African cape buffaloes and large birds such as ostriches are found in the park. The first ever open safari park in Sri Lanka.