In keeping with worldwide trends in maintaining safe, secure, and energy efficient facilities that mitigate environmental impacts, our green port policy encompasses our entire operations and value chain. Based on the framework of the 'Triple Bottom Line' of economic, environmental and social performance, we encourage all our stakeholders to give the highest priority to the best interests of people, communities and the environment. We are rapidly introducing ‘Smart Port Technologies’ incorporating the latest digital breakthroughs, which connect the entire port ecosystem.
Some of our green policy initiatives:
- ‘Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ is the guiding framework behind our process to reduce plastic pollution. This includes reducing the use of single-use plastics, encouraging re-usable plastics, responsible disposal and promoting recycling initiatives.
- We are focusing on a range of cutting-edge technologies and environmental initiatives, which have a combined impact on boosting digital information flow, while ensuring sustainable and green practices throughout the supply chain. These make our operations more sustainable, while reducing energy and resource use. Some of the technologies already implemented, or being considered, are: connected platforms, cloud-based services, mobile devices and apps, sensors, Internet of Things technologies, augmented reality, autonomous transportation, block-chain technology, and big data.
- Reduce carbon fuel usage by switching to electricity-based alternatives, such as electric vehicles, etc.